Saturday, November 10, 2007

Late Stage Chronic Hepatitis C Symptoms

Share Alike There is a lot of emphasis on the early phase of Hepatitis C but for those dealing with the disease it is long winding road. Therefore, it becomes very important to understand what can happen in the later, "chronic phase". This phase, although called chronic, may not always in the beginning have different hepatitis C Symptoms than the "acute (first) phase". Left unchecked, in later stages of the chronic phase, the symptoms will generally become more pronounced and can progress to cirrhosis of the liver.

When the disease turns to cirrhosis, the liver tissue will be replaced with scarlike hardening. Accompanying this change, the liver gradually starts to fail. It looses it's ability to do all that a liver does. Please keep in mind that lifestyle choices can have a dramatic effect on these symptoms for better or worse depending on the choices that are made. The earlier the diagnosis of Hep C is made the greater chance of controlling it. If there is any chance you have been exposed to the virus please get tested as soon as possible. Because it sometimes can take 20-30 years to reach these later phases. The earlier the diagnosis is made, the sooner lifestyle changes can be made to delay or eliminate the more serious symptoms.

When the hepatitis c symptoms or cirrhosis symptoms get bad enough they will include the following:

* Fluid retention causing swelling of the belly (ascites), legs, or whole body

* Persistent jaundice

* Fatigue

* Disturbances in sleeping

* Itchy skin

* Loss of appetite, weight loss, wasting

* Vomiting with blood in the vomit

* Mental disturbances such as confusion, lethargy, extreme sleepiness, or hallucinations
This list came from here

There is much that can be done to deal with the symptoms of hepatitis c so that they are kept as subdued as possible even in the chronic stage. There is another article in this blog that makes suggestions on how to deal with pain without the use of painkillers. This is a lifestyle altering disease and it is in the altering of the lifestyle that symptoms can be controlled and delayed as long and as much as possible. There are also treatments available that can be effective for Hepatitis C that are beyond the scope of this article.

If you are possibly at risk, early diagnosis of the virus, even before you have hepatitis c symptoms is extremely important. The earlier you know if you have Hep C, the more you can do. There is a FDA approved test that you can take in the privacy of your own home. You send it out for testing and get the results over the phone. No doctor visits involved. Find out for sure, click here for details.

Disclaimer—The information provided in this article is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your health care professional. You should not use the information in this article for self-diagnosis or to replace any prescriptive medication. You should consult with a healthcare professional before starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program, before taking any medication, or if you have or suspect you might have a health problem.

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